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Privacy policy

General Information

RENXO offers various services on its website. RENXO considers the privacy and confidentiality of information provided by its users to be an absolutely crucial element in its customer relations. In this regard, your acceptance and consent allows Renxo to process data and information which may be collected during the period of use of the service, in accordance with the purposes specified in this privacy statement.

RENXO shall make every possible effort to maintain the confidentiality of personal data, and of its duty to maintain such data, and to adopt all necessary measures to prevent loss, alteration, or unauthorized access to this data.

RENXO shall make its best effort to adopt all security measures deemed necessary for the purpose of avoiding unauthorized access to information which is transmitted, or which is stored through the service itself. It should be considered, for these purposes, it cannot be absolutely guaranteed, that unauthorized access to information circulating through the network will not take place, for which reason RENXO shall not be held liable for any possible consequences that may arise as the result of unauthorized access to information passing through the network or through the service itself.

Likewise, RENXO aims to provide as much information as possible relating to any question that the user might have with regard to collection and processing of personal data that is carried out through the use of the services and the web pages by these users (hereinafter, "Services"). In this Privacy Policy, you can find information regarding how RENXO treats your personal information when you access and/or use our Services.

By browsing our website, or through the application and use of our services, you accept the handling of your personal information in accordance with the terms which are stipulated in this Privacy Policy.

RENXO reserves the right to amend both its Privacy Policy as well as its Confidentiality and Data Protection Standards, which are listed below for the purpose of adapting to new regulatory requirements, jurisprudence, or to whatever criteria is understood as permitting it to provide better services and content. In this manner, the Privacy Policy is periodically updated, for which reason we urge you to review this Privacy Policy, with the purpose of familiarizing yourself with the most recent version of it.

Collection of personal data

In order to access Services, it is necessary that you provide certain data. This data includes, but is not limited to: name, surname, address, phone number, e-mail, gender, age, educational level, etc. Likewise, RENXO may request additional information in the process of providing services to you, which may also help RENXO to personalize both the services offered as well as their provision in accordance with the needs and preferences of the user. The user may modify or update part of this information at any time.

In all cases, all personal information which RENXO collects is then stored in its systems, to be treated as described in this Privacy Policy. Every time that RENXO performs collection of personal data, it will try to include a link to this Privacy Policy.

On certain occasions, RENXO will receive information about its users from other sources, such as from public records, official bodies, or private organizations, always in compliance with the laws in force with regard to the protection of personal data .

Third-party access to personal information

Certain services provided by RENXO may contain certain conditions with specific provisions relating to the protection of Personal Data. Through these services, the user is able to get in contact with other users. In these cases, these users will have access to certain types of personal data.

Likewise, the user should be aware that, on certain occasions, Services may include links to third party advertisers, content providers, and, in general, to third parties that, in turn, may be collecting or may request personal data from its users. The use of personal user information carried out by third parties, whether they are legal entities or individuals, apart from RENXO, shall be subject to their respective privacy policies. This Privacy Policy does not establish guidelines for treatment and protection of personal information of users by third parties, for which reason RENXO does not, in any case whatsoever, have control over or liability for any use of data performed by said third parties.

Use of user personal data

RENXO will collect and process the personal data of users for the following purposes: (i) offer, manage, and provide Services, and (ii) develop, promote, and market Products and Services, currently or in the future, provided by RENXO, by its affiliates, certain business partners, or third-party outsourcers.

If RENXO wishes to use its private data for purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy, RENXO shall request the consent of users for this purpose.

Certain information referring to users is automatically collected and processed by RENXO, through other means such as, for example, software specially developed for such purpose, or information provided at links on its site. This information is used by RENXO with the purpose of carrying out (i) the technical and commercial administration of services, and (ii) the investigation, development, and promotion of its Products and Services.

The privacy and confidentiality of e-mail addresses, as well as the telephone numbers of its Users, is considered to be of great importance to RENXO. RENXO shall never engage in spamming nor will it send unsolicited e-mails to the user, either at their e-mail address or through their personal phone. Likewise, this information shall not be provided to any third party without the consent of the user.

RENXO may collect information during the provision Services for statistical purposes, for investigation, or for the development of new markets. This information shall be collected and processed in such a manner that users cannot be identified.

On certain occasions, RENXO will share the personal data of its users with its affiliates, certain business partners, or third party outsourcers, for the sole purpose of complying with the relationship established with the user, and in accordance with the purposes arising from this Privacy Policy, and the General Terms of Use.

The third parties described in the previous paragraph shall act, at all times, in accordance with instructions received by RENXO and for the purposes detailed herein.

RENXO shall only divulge or communicate personal information of the user when (i) they have provided their express consent, (ii) this treatment relates to the free and legitimate acceptance of a legal relationship which can only be carried out by providing this information to third parties, (iii) this communication or revelation is authorized under applicable law, or (iv) the information is required by authorized legal or administrative entities in the exercise of their duties.

Personal Information Security

RENXO shall make every possible effort to avoid the unauthorized access to data of a personal nature of its users. Maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of the personal data of its users is one of the company’s main objectives in the provision of its Services.

RENXO shall make the best possible effort to ensure the protection of the personal data of its users, with the purpose of attempting to avoid any intrusions or unauthorized access to the data of its users, as well as its illegal use or disclosure, or illegal destruction.

All employees of RENXO, and of those companies that provide services to RENXO, are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all personal information which they have access to.

RENXO also recommends that its users keep their passwords and screen names that they use to access the Service strictly confidential.

The user should be aware of the fact that no transmission of data over the Internet or WAP networks is completely guaranteed or secure, for which reason RENXO cannot guarantee the complete security of data that users provide to us.